Baptism (English) | Contact Office | 231-652-1286 |
Baptism (Spanish) | Yolanda Herrera | 231-652-2954 |
Baptisms can take place at any of our weekend Masses or on Saturdays at 2pm.
Please fill out an application form and bring it to the office, along with a birth certificate.
Children 7 years old and over will need to be in Faith Formation, and will recieve all the Sacraments of initiation
(Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil when they are catechized.
Faith Formation Link
Baptismal Application Form – English
Baptismal Application Form – Spanish
Baptism Classes
Reborn – Episode 1: A New Creation
Reborn – Episode 2: Entering the Mystery
Reborn – Episode 3: Nurturing the Life of Grace
(These classes are available on a streaming service called and is available for free to our parishioners. instructions to sign up are below.)
Clases Bautismales:
Renacer, Sesión 1: Una Nueva Creación
Renacer, Sesión 2: Entrando en el Misterio
Renacer, Sesión 3: Continuando la Vida de Gracia
Preguntas de la Guía de Estudio
Instructions to access
“FORMED” is Catholic Streaming content that is free for our parishioners.
Formed has sacramental prep classes, as well as family movies and devotionals.
To sign up for “FORMED” go to
Click “sign up”
Click “I belong to a parish or organization”
Type in “St Bartholomew, Newaygo, Mi
Put your name and email and you are set to watch content.
Watch/Listen to content on your phone using the FORMED APP