1st Communion Preparation
for the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Please review the following checklist to ensure your child is ready to receive Jesus in The Eucharist.
Below are some resources to help you and your child be prepared to receive 1st Holy Communion reverently
and with a better understanding of God’s awesome Gift of the Eucharist!


Please review the following worksheets with your 1st Communicant:

First Communion Checklist  printable

Student worksheet #1 -Invitation to Communion

Student Worksheet #2 – Prepare to receive Worthily

Please watch the following on FORMED:

How to sign up with FORMED for free

FORMED”  is Catholic Streaming content that is free for parishioners at St Bartholomew.
FORMED has sacramental prep classes, as well as family movies and devotionals.

To sign up for “FORMED” go to formed.org
Click “sign up”
Click “sign up as a parishioner”
Type in “St Bartholomew, Newaygo, Mi
Put your name and email and you are set to watch content.

Or Download the FORMED app from you app store.