Religious Education
Plan for St Bartholomew for 2021-22
en español
Pre k – 8th grade: Sunday Morning Fellowship 10:00 to 10:30am
1st Sundays of the month student classes and parent meeting 10:30 to 11:30am
2nd Sundays of the month family formation 10:30 to 11:30am
3rd Sundays of the month student classes 10:30 to 11:30am
4th and 5th Sundays may be used for extra class time or celebrations as needed.
Family Formation time will be a time of celebrating the liturgical year as a community.
Registration online at:
En Español:
High School Youth Ministry
Lead by Erin Duba
Remind app: Enter this number 81010 text this message: @erindu
Instagram: newaygo_catholic
The fall plan will be: Wednesday evenings at 7pm
1st Wed All Saints- Life Teen
2nd Wed St Michaels Adoration and nerf war
3rd Wed St Bartholomew- Life Teen
4th Wed Small groups
Retreats, small groups and mission trips will also be scheduled
Online Resources
“FORMED” is Catholic Streaming content that is free for our parishioners.
Formed has sacramental prep classes, as well as family movies and devotionals.
To sign up for “FORMED” go to
Click “sign up”
Click “I belong to a parish or organization”
Type in “St Bartholomew, Newaygo, Mi
Put your name and email and you are set to watch content.
Watch/Listen to content on your phone using the FORMED APP