Confirmation at St Bartholomew:
August 16th at 1:00pm English
August 15th at 6:00pm Español
August 22nd at 6:00pm Español
Parents and Sponsors are an important part of preparing our Candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Especially since our classes were cut short.
Here is a checklist for you to ensure your child is ready:
1. Candidate has turned in their Application and copy of Baptismal Certificate.
2. Candidate is going to Mass if your family has safely resumed in person worship. (Otherwise, Mass via internet)
3. Candidate has a sponsor who is practicing Catholic and has discussed with them the topics on the sponsor worksheet. (see attachment)
Please respond with sponsor name for our records and certificate.
Please respond with sponsor name for our records and certificate.
4. Candidate has chosen a Confirmation Name. This can be their baptismal name or a new Christian name that is meaningful to the candidate.
Please respond with Confirmation Name for our records and certificate.
Please respond with Confirmation Name for our records and certificate.
5. Candidate has been to confession once in the last 6 months. (Tuesdays at 5pm or Saturdays at 3pm.)
6. Candidate has watched this 6 minute video on Confirmation. Click here to watch
7. Please consider sending your candidate to an upcoming outdoor retreat/bonfire on Wednesday Aug 12th at 6-10pm
Please RSVP if your candidate can attend this reatreat!!!!
Please RSVP if your candidate can attend this reatreat!!!! or text 810-282-6989
*** if you haven’t let me know for sure which confirmation date is okay for your family, please do so!
I have to request permission from the Bishop in advance for your candidate to be confirmed.
In Christ,
Lori Koester
810-282-6989 (Text)