Parish News & Events
Employment Opportunity
Director of Music Ministry Job Opening
The Director of Music Ministry (DMM) is a key member of the pastoral team. As a skilled and
competent musician, the DMM is familiar with and committed to the vision set forth for liturgy and
worship by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. In addition, the DMM is familiar with and
committed to the music vision of St. Bartholomew and its pastor. It is further expected that such
knowledge and commitments will lead to an appropriate execution of the position responsibilities.
Please see complete job description below for full list of responsibilities and duties.
To apply: please send a cover letter and resume to Fr. Noah at nthelen@stbart-stjoe.org
Lent is a Perfect Time for Reconciliation
“God knows our struggles. He knows that we often fail. Yet His love never fails. No matter how many times we stumble, we find Him ready to receive us again. In the sacrament of penance, we encounter a God who does not simply wait for us but rushes out to meet us. This is the beauty of the sacrament.” – Bishop Walkowiak
The season of Lent by its penitential nature is an opportune time for anyone seeking forgiveness to receive God’s unfailing mercy and restore and renew their relationship with Jesus through the sacrament of penance. Like all religious experiences, it takes preparation.
Experience God’s Love
Reconciliation is what God does. Receiving it and celebrating it is what we do. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a most natural way to celebrate God’s forgiveness and love. St. Bartholomew and St. Joseph offer many opportunities to grow closer to God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Weekly Reconciliation
At St. Bartholomew, reconciliation is offered every Saturday, 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM except Holy Saturday. Reconciliation is also offered 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM every Tuesday and the first Friday of the Month from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
At St. Joseph, reconciliation is offered every Thursday, 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM.
If these times do not work for your busy schedule, it is always a possibility to reach out to Fr Noah for an alternative time.
Additional Reconciliation Times for the Lenten Season
During this Lenten season, St. Bartholomew will be offering additional reconciliation times on March 23rd from 2:00 PM to 3:45 PM and March 27th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. There will also be two special reconciliation events.

During The Light is ON For You, Thursday, March 14, individual confession will be available from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. at St. Bartholomew.

Penance Service
Sunday, March 17th 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM at St. Bartholomew.
Fr. Noah and Fr. Pete Schafer will be available to hear individual confessions.
A Renewed Focus on Christ
In preparation for Easter, we invite all to begin anew with souls nourished from gift of the divine mercy and forgiveness God has for everyone. While going to confession throughout the liturgical year is important, Lent is a great time to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation. Lent, in the liturgical year, is known as a penitential season. As Catholics, we are asked to give up various items or habits and commit to activities that bring us closer to God and our community. Confession is a natural step to cleanse ourselves from sin and start anew with a renewed focus on Christ.
If it has been a while since your last confession, remember,
Do not fear: I am with you.
Isaiah 41:10
The priest will help guide you. And feel free to take the Busted Halo’s guide on How to Go to Confession with you!
Additional Resources on Reconciliation
Minor changes to Order of Penance took place in Lent 2023 (Read more)
Prepare for confession with resources from the USCCB
Come back to Mass. Together is where we belong!
Come back to the place where you can be fed. Our Catholic parishes are places of welcome where the love of Christ is shared in community, service, and sacrament. Gather with us during the Lent and Easter seasons.
Invite a friend, neighbor, co-worker, or family member to come with you to Mass this weekend! A personal invitation goes a long way.
Stay Connected to our Parish:
1. Facebook:
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
St Bartholomew Church
Online Resources
“FORMED” is Catholic Streaming content that is free for our parishioners.
Formed has sacramental prep classes, as well as family movies and devotionals.
To sign up for “FORMED” go to formed.org
Click “sign up”
Click “I belong to a parish or organization”
Type in “St Bartholomew, Newaygo, Mi
Put your name and email and you are set to watch content.
Watch/Listen to content on your phone using the FORMED APP